Employee Spotlight: Donna Penaredondo, Hubspot and Systems Admin

Behind every successful company are dedicated and talented individuals who drive progress and growth. Our employee spotlight series is all about introducing you to the exceptional members of the Reveel family. Get to know their unique backgrounds, discover their contributions, and gain a deeper understanding of the culture that makes Reveel a remarkable place to work.

How would you summarize what you do? 

I am responsible for managing some of the systems we use in Marketing and Operations, ensuring reliability and efficiency of the tools for seamless day-to-day operations. 

What makes you want to stay at our organization?  

I’m committed to staying at our organization because of its vision and core values that resonate with me, one of which is Partnership. It’s always great to collaborate with other people with different skillsets and work together towards a common goal. Additionally, the opportunity to learn is endless so I feel that my passion is being supported.  

What do you like about our company culture? 

Appreciating and recognizing even the little things we did to help others.  

Can you tell us a few details about the favorite part of your job? 

My favorite part is being able to help and resolve any issues. I learn a lot throughout the process.  

What does your daily routine look like? 

I start by checking any emails or messages, then I start working on those that require my immediate attention. I then check my pending tasks and start working on those. And of course, I’m always available to help my colleagues with any tools, processes, or other stuff they need assistance with. It’s not unusual for me to jump into quick chats to lend a hand on the spot. 

How does your current job compare with the previous jobs you’ve had? 

In my previous role as a Lead Gen manager, I was already involved in some administrative tasks. However, the key distinction in my current position is that I no longer attend meetings or deliver reports as frequently as I did before. As an introvert, I found these aspects of my previous role to be particularly nerve-wracking and uncomfortable. Nonetheless, I thoroughly enjoy both positions for their unique challenges and opportunities for growth. 

What things stood out for you about our management team? 

Josh and Chad’s leadership style. In contrast to some companies where employees rarely interact with their CEOs either online or in person, our leaders, Josh and Chad, maintain a constant and accessible presence. Their commitment to an open-door policy makes them approachable, fostering a culture of direct communication within the company. 

What have been your most significant achievements working for our company?  

Setting up, implementing and optimizing workflows that make the process easier and more efficient for everyone.  

Who inspires you the most within our organization? 

Bill (CMO) and Nick (COO) have been instrumental in providing me with numerous opportunities for learning and personal growth. Without their unwavering trust and support, I wouldn’t have achieved the level of success I enjoy today.  

Which work benefit or perk is your favorite and why? 

My favorite thing about this job? Working from home! Before, I had to take a jeepney, a train, then another jeepney just to get to the office. It was such a drain on my time and energy. But now, I get to spend more time with my daughter and do all sorts of other things, thanks to being able to work from home. 

What is the most difficult challenge you’ve experienced working for us? 

I think the most difficult challenge is working in a different time zone. Although I’m already used to working at night, it’s challenging to sleep during the day because of the warm weather and other distractions, and it’s taken a toll on my lifestyle. But I’m doing my best to make it better by catching sleep whenever I can.  

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?  

In 5 years, I see myself continuing to be a valued member of the team, becoming more skilled in our tools, and sharing my expertise to contribute to the company’s success. I’m currently learning a few courses and certifications which will help me succeed further. 

What’s the best advice you can give to someone who wants to work for us?  

The best advice I can give is to embrace our culture and have a passion for learning. It will help you shape your career here.  

What’s the most exciting thing you are working on right now? 

I’m in the automation team and we are currently collaborating on a project that will make it easier to track invoices. We’ve been working on it for some time now so it’s exciting to see it up and running soon.  

What skill do you think everyone should learn?  

I believe everyone should learn about data and artificial intelligence (AI) and how to leverage these tools to make strategic and informed decisions, not only in business, but on a personal level as well. 

What motivates you? 

My daughter is my primary motivation. I’m working hard so that she’ll have a better life. The other thing that motivates me is good leadership, and I’m glad that I found it here at Reveel. 

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