Announcement: Reveel’s 2025 General Rate Increase Report   Download Now

It’s Time for Your Carrier Invoice to Work for You

It’s no secret that shippers have a long and complicated history with carriers’ invoices. The
surprises that often accompany them were a catalyst for the founding of Reveel in 2006 and our
ongoing mission to help shippers level the playing field with carriers.

Most veteran shippers will tell you that some of their worst professional experiences involve
carrier invoices. There is nothing quite like the sickening feeling of learning that you have to pay
far more than a significant annual general rate increase, are subject to fees associated with the
unexpected expiration of a surcharge discount, or incurred penalties from new, altered rules you
didn’t know existed.

Even worse is when you realize after reading an invoice that those unexpected penalties mean
you shipped a sale item or an entire product line at a loss, or just ruined the budget you were
counting on to give bonuses to your team. Suffice it to say, the relationship between shippers
and carriers’ invoices and accounts payable departments is a complicated one.

Fortunately, at Reveel we’ve tamed the carrier invoice issue. With the active shipping management
Reveel’s Shipping Intelligence™ Platform makes possible, shippers never have to be surprised by a
carrier invoice again. But we’re not stopping there. In our continual efforts to make shippers’ lives
easier, we’ve partnered with Corpay to streamline the accounts payable.

Reveel’s customers are invited to learn more about Corpay’s Payments Automation platform,
which lets users manage their invoices and carrier payments with ease. Not only that, but
Corpay offers cash rebates on most accounts payable transactions so shippers can earn extra
dollars doing something they have to do, but can now do faster and easier.

For more information contact me at

The Reveel App uses AI and machine learning to provide an unparalleled look into what’s impacting your bottom line. Through invoice audits, AI and Machine Learning technology, and rate modeling/simulations, you can see the health of your operation and assess pricing changes from parcel carriers like FedEx and UPS. Get a demo of Reveel to see how you can leverage automation to synthesize your data, ship more for less, and reduce the time needed to identify issues and action items.

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