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Building Deeper Partnerships with KNIPEX Tools

KNIPEX Tools isn’t new on the scene. A family business, they have roots dating back to 1882 in Germany. In a recent move to the North American markets, the pliers’ specialists have grown leaps and bounds to gain market share quickly.

With quick growth comes quickly growing expenses. The KNIPEX team has partnered with Reveel for several years to maintain a strategic eye on their data and keep their shipping costs low.

See how this partnership has provided a stable shipping foundation for the KNIPEX Tools team.

No More “Hodgepodged” Data

Before partnering with Reveel, Steve Deering and his team had difficulty pulling data and drawing actionable information from it. They pulled information from SAP and put together various spreadsheets, but it would take days.

“We’re a data-driven company, and we make decisions using big data,” said Steve. “Reveel helps with a lot of that information.”

Steve’s tapped into Reveel to slice and dice the shipping data, from heat maps to monthly shipping spend. And as a result, he’s been able to make more informed decisions. Using the heat maps, the KNIPEX team assesses where they can consolidate shipments to lower shipping costs for them and their customers.

Contentious Negotiations

Unsurprisingly, negotiations in 2020 were contentious. Since Knipex Tools passes along their shipping savings to their customers, it was vital for them to get the best deals. However, at the beginning of the pandemic, both UPS and FedEx were hesitant to renegotiate contracts.

But shipping analyst Rebecca Lannon took a deeper dive into the shipping data to make a case for lower rates. She gathered historical shipping data to show growth rates and put it in perspective for the shipping carriers. With this information, Steve could secure better rates with UPS, and they won the majority of KNIPEX’s ground parcel business.

“That was one of the big things that helped negotiate some of the reductions and secure our pricing,” said Steve.

More than Transactional, We’re Partners

What Steve loves most about working with Reveel is the depth of service. Many shipping support services stop at the auditing process, but Reveel goes beyond and is a true shipping logistics partner.

“I am amazed at the depth, breadth and scope of knowledge of the people at Reveel,” said Steve. “They come from that background and understand the angles, the operations, the structure of cost.”

Steve says Reveel has made suggestions and pointed things out that might not be obvious to employees on the inside.

“It’s great having that resource in your corner.”

Get Us In Your Corner

Reach out to Reveel to see how we can partner with your business and help you save up to 30% on shipping costs.

The Reveel App uses AI and machine learning to provide an unparalleled look into what’s impacting your bottom line. Through invoice audits, AI and Machine Learning technology, and rate modeling/simulations, you can see the health of your operation and assess pricing changes from parcel carriers like FedEx and UPS. Get a demo of Reveel to see how you can leverage automation to synthesize your data, ship more for less, and reduce the time needed to identify issues and action items.

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