MindWorks Innovations is best known for BrainMD, the leading brand of dietary supplements, books and resources devoted to, and focused on, brain health. Based in Irvine, Calif., the company is owned by Daniel G. Amen, M.D., celebrated psychiatrist and founder and CEO of both MindWorks Innovations and Amen Clinics, a network of clinics that provide patients with a wide array of mental and brain wellness
treatments. In the face of the dramatic growth of MindWorks Innovations’ e-commerce business — the
company experienced several years recently in which online sales increased by 50% or more — Director of Operations Corey Liebig knew it was time to take a closer look at the company’s parcel shipping operation.
“We are on pace to do close to $25 million in business this year and like all companies that sell
online, parcel shipping is a crucially important and necessary function in our business, as well as one that significantly impacts our profitability,” said Liebig. “Even so, we’ve been growing so fast that we really haven’t had an opportunity to look into the finer points of our shipping operation or to optimize it for savings.” Like most companies MindWorks Innovations relied on the invoices it received from its carrier,
United Parcel Service, (UPS), for insight into its parcel shipping activity. And nearly all of the discounts attained by the company were volume based.
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The Reveel App uses AI and machine learning to provide an unparalleled look into what’s impacting your bottom line. Through invoice audits, AI and Machine Learning technology, and rate modeling/simulations, you can see the health of your operation and assess pricing changes from parcel carriers like FedEx and UPS. Get a demo of Reveel to see how you can leverage automation to synthesize your data, ship more for less, and reduce the time needed to identify issues and action items.